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Accessibility Issues

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Everyone, no matter their ability, should be able to enjoy your websites!

There should be as few limits to surfing the internet as possible, so that any person can, at any time, experience what you have created without worries. With the implementation of accessibility guidelines, nearly everyone can have a fair shot at enjoying your content.

Make everyone feel welcome

Increase your customer base

Avoid legal issues

Our services

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Accessibility Scanner

Quickly scan your website for accessibility issues with our easy-to-use Accessibility Scanner.

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Accessibility Widget

Modify your website on the fly with our dynamic Accessibility Widget.

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Accessibility Audit

Ensure your website is accessible to all users with our comprehensive Accessibility Audit.

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Accessibility Certificate

Get your post-audit cerftificate to prove your website's achievements in expanding accessibility.


We are here to make the internet accessible

We strive to make the internet as friendly and accessible as possible, so anyone can access and enjoy any web content – regardless of disabilites or lack thereof. Such a solution ensures that businesses can get the maximum engagement by adapting to the needs of consumers, and the consumers themselves can experience the content fully by themselves.

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